Prologue:CJWDT (C.J. World Domination Tour)

10/195 According to, there are 195 countries in the world. 10 is the number of the countries I've been last 31 yrs. When I see that, I feel like "that's it!????" I've been traveling around in the U.S., but if I see the world map, I feel like a monkey running on the buddha's hand.
I've been eager to travel the globe since I was teenage boy mainly becomes by two influences. One is old Japanese comedy TV show called "Susume Denpa Shounen". The show had content of documentary of two young Japanese dudes hitchhike from HK to London(!), took them over 5 months to goal!! It was insane, but after this show, hitchhiking and backpacking became hip & cool things for many Japanese kids including me. And the other one is Hideo Nomo, who used to play in Japanese professional baseball league and move to major league and made huge impact & sensation. Those made me feel one day I want to hit the road and see all over the world. Also I always hate Japanese society and customs, so!
Not as culinary professional, before just as one human, one man, I want to grow and inspired to be bigger man. After living in the U.S. over 8 yrs, time to move on. Like this blog headline says, time for culinary journey. This August I leave the u.s. and wanna travel round the world until 2016. On 2016 I want to move to Australia to prepare opening P.S.I., till then I wanna travel and work Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Canada and New Zealand. This is called CJWDT, Charles John World Domination Tour. From next post I want to document all my planning on CJWDT for my personal record. Hope it interest readers.
